Monday, July 12, 2010

The Boy Band Bulls

With the recent signing of Kyle Korver and the looming possibility of acquiring JJ Redick, the Bulls have solidified themselves of two things. 1) Increasing their 3 point shooting substantially by adding two of the best college pure shooters of the last decade and 2)Becoming the only team in the NBA that uses more hair product than the cast of Glee.

Knowing that next year when the Bulls are down by 3 late they wont have to draw up a set for Luol Deng is a relieving feeling. Additionally, knowing that they can have both Korver and Redick on the floor at the same time roaming "Candy Land" in these moments exudes confidence in the Bulls faithful. Although Redick hasn't lived up to reputation he made for himself at Duke in the NBA, if he somehow channels his "make a 35 footer, give the shocker hand gesture and run down the court laughing at defender X" routine that he had down at Duke during his National POY year in 2006, the Bulls are in good shape. And for Korver, after shooting some odd 53% last year in Salt Lake City, even if he manages to stay above the Mendoza Line of 3 point shooting (38%), it will be an upgrade from 2010's long range performance. It's hard to believe after drafting a penetrating point guard in D Rose, that it took the Bulls two years to surround him with snipers (JJ and Kutcher) and a solid post finisher (Boozer) Either way Korver is a solid edition to a team that has struggled to shoot the ball consistently, and as long as he can ditch that putrid high socks look (alla Keith Van Horn), and find a more marketable number than 26?!? Bulls fans should enjoy his presence on the perimeter. Last year, Korver amazingly managed to lead the league in 3 point shooting, while simultaneously being the first player in the shot clock era to shoot over 50% from deep without ever leaving his feet the entire season, truly remarkable.

On a more important note, the Bulls have now transformed their team into a professional basketball boy band. With the addition of Korver and Redick, you have two boyish vocalists who do nothing better than style well and smile better than any two other assorted white guys in the NBA (with the exception of Jason Kapono). Seriously, look at these guys (Korver and Redick) And, the Bulls already have Joe Alexander on the bench. I'm not sure why but I see him being a helluva keyboard guy, just a hunch. But most importantly, you have Joakim Noah, who fits perfectly into the "weirdly edgy, why are you in a boy band?" role familiarized by Chris Kirkpatrick of NSYNC. Think about it, they both have shitty haircuts, annoyingly outgoing personalities and are infectious, Joakim is so outspoken he would love to be in a boy band, although he never could have been in NSYNC, he would have instantly outed Lance Bass for being gay. With all this being said, they even sound like a boy band...JJ, Kyle K, Joey and Joakim, should be an exciting season to say the very least. I'm thinking....The Toucha-bulls.

It is without question that Redick and Korver will probably share a 2 bedroom flat in Wrigleyville and parade models and aspiring actresses in and out of there like its the DMV. Bulls fans have always been comfortable embracing Caucasian players (think:Buechler, Kerr, Perdue, Longley, etc.) and with the possibility of Matt Bouldin joining the team as well (he's on the summer league roster) the Bulls will have more young, blonde groupies than Lee DeWyze.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing putrid about high socks, guys look ridiculous in anything but.
