Well, lets review what we didn't think was going to happen two weeks ago. First, Tyler Colvin is in stable condition in a Florida hospital after getting a punctured chest from a flying baseball bat!?! More shocking however, the Chicago Bears are 2-0 and Jay Cutler is the highest rated QB in the NFL. Two weeks ago, you would have had a better chance of convincing me that Justin Bieber got caught dropping acid at the VMA's, but it's true and right now Cutler might as well be Mike Ditka, Walter Payton and the Easter Bunny all at once. Now, on the horizon lurks the 'best thing since shredded cheese' in Wisconsin's Green Bay Packers and the lead singer from Guns N Roses who has peculiarly turned into a Packers starting linebacker.
The Bears have slayed the weak (Lions), the apparently strong (Cowboys), and now look to take the stone from their pocket and sling it toward the NFL's Goliath. Although the Bears had their share of doubters after their week 1 win in which they needed help from Shaun Hill and ultimately the NFL rulebook to secure the W, the Bears legitimately looked like an elite NFC team against the Cowboys. On display was the Bears' speed on the edges, their quarterbacks precise,yet powerful arm, and the leagues best rushing defense (56 rush yds. in 2 games). The Bears may have slid through by the skin of their teeth in week 1, but they're 2-0. And, although their combined opponents are 0-4, they can only play who's on their schedule. The Bears have their fair share of critics--most of whom live in a town named after a Native American tribe and drink beer cheese soup out of Styrofoam cups on Sunday afternoons. The Packer Backers want to give them a test, what better stage than Monday Night Football? Besides the constant annoyance of Ron Jaworski's voice, it's safe to say that the 'showdown in the spaceship' should be a good watch on Monday Night.
However, in order to get to this point, the Bears have had to ride the arm of Jay Cutler. The same guy who was the blanket of blame for the Bears' disappointing season a year ago now has the keys to McCaskey's castle. This might be the first team in the history of football that might attract Perez and Paris Hilton to watch the same football game. Without the darts Cutler threw in the first two weeks, the Bears could easily be treading water with a Green and Gold tidal wive fast approaching. Instead, Bear fans have a renewed sense of confidence in #6 and are holding onto the home/underdog/conference game trifecta that often proves to be so valuable.
With a Bear/Packer preview blog coming tomorrow, this blog serves as simply a prelude to the big show. As for pick of the day, The Pulse Man had a rough Saturday (missing both parlays by one point-Minnesota and NIU shockingly covered) but managed to finagle a teaser win for the second straight week on Sunday. Tomorrow night, he likes the Reds to once again embarrass Dave Bush tomorrow at (-110).
Pick of the Day: Reds @ Brewers- REDS-moneyline (-110)
Could Cutler look anymore like a young Alec Baldwin in that pic? Good Lord.