Notre Dame football is a ship that literally cannot be sinking any faster. I thought the Titanic went down fast, this thing's going down like a wooden door navigating the Pacific. A famous proverb reads "No wind blows in the direction of a ship without a destination", and this quote likely out of one of those "successories" posters couldn't describe the situation in South Bend any more accurately. Take for instance, a quick look at the events that have unfolded during the last week on the campus with the golden dome. First, tragedy struck both the Notre Dame campus and the northwest suburbs alike as the news of Long Grove, IL native Declan Sullivan's death spread through media outlets across the country (including his eerie messages on Twitter). Next, the Irish lost their QB Dayne Crist for the year with a torn-up knee and are forced to throw Freshman Tommy Rees into the fire, who has now become my 3rd favorite Lake Forest High School alum behind actor Vince Vaughn and musician Andrew Bird, formerly of the Squirrel Nut Zippers. Then to boot, Notre Dame lost 28-27 at home to Tulsa playing with heavy hearts and seemingly even heavier legs in the most distressing of fashions. I wouldn't even be surprised if the Pope himself turned his back on Fighting Irish football this Fall, as Tony Kornheiser put it "today, is the lowest day for Notre Dame football in as long as I can remember."
It really is hard for me to sit and type this about Notre Dame. I thought Brian Kelly would have some answers and definitely looked a lot better in a navy polo shirt and head set than Charlie Weis' fat ass. But, with a lawsuit the size of the state of Indiana looming on the horizon, Kelly made one of the most STUPID and completely baffling play calls I have ever seen in major college football to close out their final drive on Saturday in South Bend. The scene was this: 2nd and 8 on the Tulsa 24 and a ray of hope keeping the Irish alive as they squeak by the mighty Golden Hurricane of Tulsa on a late field goal on National TV. All Brian Kelly had to tell the Irish offense to do was sit on the football like it were shares of Google stock circa 1998. Instead, strangely enough, Kelly elected to let his Freshman QB take a meaningless shot at the end zone which resulted in an interception from an under thrown ball and surely another disappointing season for ND. At least if you don't have a play, throw the football out of bounds, aren't you going to Notre Dame? You probably have a 32 ACT! Get a god damn clue! In my life I have never seen such ineptitude in late game play calling than I saw on Saturday afternoon. The way that scenario played out made me 100% embarrassed to consider myself a Notre Dame fan.
I used to look forward to seeing Notre Dame run out on the field on NBC, watching their gold helmets glisten in the fall sun and hearing the echoes of Knute Rockne, Ara Parseghian and Lou Holtz all helping to "win one for the Gipper". Now, all we hear is of terror resulting from losses to the Naval Academies and private Universities based in rural Oklahoma. I literally cannot say enough how disappointed I am in Notre Dame. "Notre Dame our Mother, pray for us"....we desperately need it.
As for Pick of the Day, the Pulse Man likes the Heat at (-16) tomorrow at home against the joke of a franchise that the T-Wolves have put together in Minny. With the Vikings hitting the skids fast after Randy Moss is now looking for his "straight cash homie" paychecks from a different source and the T-Wolves drafting guards every single year like they're playing games of H-O-R-S-E during the 82 game regular season, the sports world in Minneapolis cannot get much worse. Wait, do the Wild suck too? Yup, they sure do. Not like anybody cared.
Pick of the Day: T-Wolves @ Heat (-16)-HEAT
Now I'm done. Rack me
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